CCHR Int Newsletter — December 2014


george-lucasGeorge Lucas, the creator of the Star Wars and Indiana Jones films once stated, “I’m not much of a math and science guy. I spent most of my time in school daydreaming and managed to turn it into a living.”

The latest fad diagnoses will “psychiatrize” the creative thoughts of millions of children including our future artists and scientists and label them with the latest fad in mental illness…. Click here to read this article in full.

Happy Holidays From CCHR!!

spread-the-wordClick here to get your CCHR T-shirts, Messenger Bags, & Memberships

CCHR’s Human Rights Award Banquet will be held on Saturday, February 28th, 2015 in Los Angeles, California.

Watch the video below of last year’s event.

Call (800) 869-2247 for more information or to get your tickets today.

CCHR Saving Lives

saving-livesCCHR works tirelessly to provide parents everywhere with the knowledge to protect their children from psychiatric labels and drugs. Below is one of many examples of the families CCHR has helped save:

“I am an LPC [Licensed Professional Counselor] in Texas. I’ve watched my daughter go through terrible side effects from her bipolar meds. After devouring your website and educating myself and looking at the research—you’ve won me over! Due to this paradigm shift, I have completely changed the way I operate my private counseling practice! I have now partnered with a natural health practitioner who uses homeopathy and I have seen great progress in my daughter and my patients! I continue trying to educate my co-workers and other therapists.

“Slowly, as my daughter has come off the meds, we see glimpses of the girl we used to know.” —Dawn, mother

Please consider making your tax-deductible gift to CCHR to help us continue our vital work.
