Tag Archives: antipsychotic drug

Psychiatric hospital thugs hunt down, arrest innocent man on the street, then drug him into submission in Australia

What’s going on in the land Down Under? It seems that, more and more, one of the world’s enduring democracies is becoming more like Castro’s Cuba or Hugo Chavez’s Venezuela, especially where medical rights are concerned. According to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), the mental health minister for Western Australia has apologized after police arrested a man who was mistaken for a patient from a psychiatric hospital. Cops arrested the man Dec. 16, the report said, because he supposedly fit the description of a patient who walked away from Graylands Hospital in Perth.

State of Texas prescribed anti-psychotic drug to youth offenders while challenging its effectiveness in court

Left hand, we’d like to introduce you to the right.

For two years while the state of Texas was suing Johnson & Johnson for fraudulently inflating the cost and effectiveness of the anti-psychotic drug Risperdal, taxpayers picked up a $247,666.87 bill for the Texas Youth Commission to continue prescribing the drug to young inmates.

Johnson & Johnson and a subsidiary, Janssen Pharmaceuticals Inc., agreed in January to pay the state $158 million to settle the lawsuit. The state had been seeking $579 million.

Doctors Paid Millions To Promote Drugs and Medical Devices

The Chicago Tribune reportedthat drug companies paid more than $25 million to Illinois doctors to promote and use drugs from the pharmaceutical companies. Nearly 40 physicians got payments and perks exceeding $100,000 between 2009 and early 2011.

Eight drug companies paid more than $220 million to doctors and promotional speakers in 2010 to promote their drugs.

Starting in 2013, all drug and medical device companies must report such information to the federal government which will make these disclosures available to the public.

The most controversial payments involve consul