Tag Archives: schizophrenic

American psychiatrists are the craziest of them all

American psychiatrists (A) incorporate themselves to avoid taxes; (B) have no compunction about skewering their clients with in-American-society highly stigmatic labels like “schizophrenic,” “paranoid schizophrenic,” and “psychotic depression”; (C) charge inflated fees, and, after devoting all of five or ten minutes to a patient, turn around and bill the insurance company for a thirty-minute session; (D)…

American psychiatrists are the craziest of them all

American psychiatrists (A) incorporate themselves to avoid taxes; (B) have no compunction about skewering their clients with in-American-society highly stigmatic labels like “schizophrenic,” “paranoid schizophrenic,” and “psychotic depression”; (C) charge inflated fees, and, after devoting all of five or ten minutes to a patient, turn around and bill the insurance company for a thirty-minute session; (D)…

Americas Mental Illness Epidemic

Tens of millions of innocent, unsuspecting Americans, who are mired deeply in the mental “health” system, have actually been made crazy by the use of or the withdrawal from commonly-prescribed, brain-altering, brain-disabling, indeed brain-damaging psychiatric drugs that have been, for many decades, cavalierly handed out like candy ­ often in untested and therefore unapproved combinations of drugs – to trusting and unaware patients by equally unaware but well-intentioned physicians who have been under the mesmerizing influence of slick and obscenely profitable psychopharmaceutical drug companies aka, BigPharma.