Tag Archives: Mike Adams

Ex pharma sales rep Gwen Olsen says Big Pharma only interested in profits, not health

Gwen Olsen, an ex-pharmaceutical sales representative, is using her personal experience and insider knowledge to turn the tables on Big Pharma and tell people the disturbing and disheartening truth about the highly corrupt industry: it’s only after the money, not the health of its patients. Gwen, a 2007 Human Rights Award recipient, is a dedicated mental health activist, public speaker, and writer committed to child and mental health advocacy; her specialties include promoting the cessation of America’s over medication of its children and teens. It’s hard to imagine that this same woman was once a successful pharmaceutical sales rep for more than 15 years, working for many of the industry’s big name manufacturers. “We (were) being trained to misinform people,” said Gwen.

Now on a personal, passionate quest to wake up as many people as possible to the deception of the pharmaceutical industry, Gwen’s research emphasizes her concerns about the increasingly prevalent use of prescription drugs and the deadly effects that these drugs can have. “There is no such thing as a safe drug,” said Gwen

American Psychiatric Association Slammed by Disease Mongering Parody Featuring Instant Disease Generation Engine

The American Psychiatric Association is under fire today by an independent health news site’s launch of the “Disease Mongering Engine” – an online tool that allows users to instantly generate disorders, dysfunctions and syndromes that sound real, but aren’t. Available at www.NewsTarget.com, the Disease Mongering Engine was created by Mike Adams, a vocal critic of modern psychiatric medicine and its practice of labeling healthy people with fictitious diseases, then over-medicating them with patented pharmaceuticals.

“Modern psychiatry has lost its way and has now become a marketing branch of Big Pharma,” Adams said. “Convincing healthy people that they’re diseased, then harming them with unsafe chemical medications, is not a legitimate approach to health and healing.” Diseases ranging from ADHD to Social Anxiety Disorder were “invented” by drug companies and psychiatrists, Adams says, as a way to generate billions of dollars in profits by selling treatment drugs and services to people who don’t need them.

INFOWARS.COM — Madhouse Medical Tyranny: When Health Becomes Sickness

Dictatorships know that the battle for complete control is ultimately won or lost in the minds of the target population. As the oppression advances, it tends to move from propaganda mind control to the direct intervention into the mind via pharmaceuticals. We are now seeing the overt global coordination of the psychiatry profession to convince every resident of planet Earth that all clear thinking, healthy living, and wholesome innocence is some kind of disorder that needs to be corrected (suppressed) with drugs to render zombie-like those whose instincts afford them the ability of discernment.