Tag Archives: lobotomy

Never again! The real history of psychiatry— by Dr. Peter Breggin, psychiatrist

There have been recent calls for a national Mental Health Registry, and then additional calls to link such a registry to gun licensing. In the dreadful wake of Newtown, both the left and the right and the current US federal administration are demanding that we tighten mental health statutes to make it easier and even mandatory for health care providers including psychiatrists and psychotherapists to incarcerate people on suspicion of perpetrating violence.

In a recent blog, I evaluated all the ways psychiatry and individual psychiatrists already have too much authority to lock up American citizens. I’ve pointed out how ineffective that power has proven in preventing violence.

Natural News: Amazing facts about psychiatry revealed by psychiatric reformer, Peter Breggin, MD

I can’t think of a more fitting first guest for Mental Health Exposed. Our mission is to expose the fraud, abuse and incompetence in the mental health industry, as well as promote natural and effective methods of healing. Peter Breggin, MD and I discuss all of the above in the premier of Mental Health Exposed on Natural News Radio.

Peter R. Breggin, M.D. is a Harvard-trained psychiatrist and former full-time consultant with NIMH who is in private practice in Ithaca, New York. Dr. Breggin is the author of more than twenty books including the bestseller Talking Back to Prozac and the medical book Brain-Disabling Treatments in Psychiatry. His most recent book is Medication Madness, the Role of Psychiatric Drugs in Cases of Violence, Suicide and Crime. He is also the author of dozens of peer-reviewed scientific articles, many in the field of psychopharmacology.

Psychosurgery as Psychiatric “Disease” Propaganda

As suggested in the New York Times November 27th article, “Brain Power– Surgery for Mental Ills Offers Both Hope and Risk), being unable to brush ones teeth and the act of showering for seven hours at a time are not medical or surgical diseases. Even psychiatrists, having gone to medical school, know that a disease is an abnormality–gross (a lump), microscopic (cancer cells), or chemical (elevated blood sugar in diabetes). But in the wonderland of psychiatric diagnosis, they would have us believe that each of their labels is a physical abnormality/disease /disorder, when, instead, each is a lie—devoid of science and truth.