Soaring Use of Antidepressants—hooked on “happy pills”
Is Britain hooked on happy pills? The Telegraph – April 20, 2014 By Dr. Joanna Moncrieff, Psychiatrist The use of antidepressants continues its inexorable rise….
Is Britain hooked on happy pills? The Telegraph – April 20, 2014 By Dr. Joanna Moncrieff, Psychiatrist The use of antidepressants continues its inexorable rise….
The New American – March 17, 2014 By Rebecca Terrell Dateline: Ontario, Canada. Eighteen-year-old Brennan McCartney visited his doctor for a chest cold and, despite…
The Bolton News – August 28, 2013 by Brian Daniels, National Spokesperson, CCHR United Kingdom RECENTLY, there was media coverage on the number of antidepressants…