Electroshock Survivor & Human Rights Activist Calls on Amnesty International to Deem Electroshock (ECT) as Torture

Sue Clark-Wittenberg, director of the Wittenberg Center to End Electroshock in Ottawa, Canada is an electroshock survivor who is appealing to Amnesty International to deem electroshock (ECT) as torture. Sue is a torture victim of electroshock.

Baby Care
June 14, 2010

Sue Clark-Wittenberg, director of the Wittenberg Center to End Electroshock in Ottawa, Canada is an electroshock survivor who is appealing to Amnesty International to deem electroshock (ECT) as torture. Sue is a torture victim of electroshock.

Dr. Peter R. Breggin, a psychiatrist from NY State wrote an article recently re ECT called “Disturbing News for Patients and Shock Doctors Alike” which proves ECT always causes brain damage 100% of the time. See the article in full at this URL: www.huffingtonpost.com/dr-peter-breggin/

In America, electroshock is not deemed as torture by Amnesty International. ECT is being given more and more especially to women with post partum depression and to women over 60 years of age. Many people all over the world are working to ban electroshock universally. Yearly stats for ECT given:

Ontario, Canada – 14000 ECTs given
USA – 100000 Americans get ECT
UK – 50000 ECT given
Worldwide – 1 to 2 million people get ECT

Read entire article:  http://babies.secretbest.com/19814/electroshock-is-torture/