Tag Archives: diseases

Sex, Lies and Pharmaceuticals—How Female Sexual Dysfunction (a “mental disorder”) was invented by the drug industry

Female sexual dysfunction – which is claimed to affect up to two thirds of women – is a disorder invented by the pharmaceutical industry to build global markets for drugs to treat it, it is claimed today. Drug companies have invested millions in the search for a female equivalent of Viagra, so far without success. But while doing so they have stoked demand by creating a buzz around the disorder they have created, according to Ray Moynihan, a lecturer at the University of Newcastle in Australia.

WW market for antipsychotics to reach $20.8 bil—hence the heavy PR/marketing of ‘schizophrenia’—its a lucrative market

The total worldwide market for antipsychotic drugs is expected to reach $19.6 billion in 2010. With continued market penetration into new diseases and price increases for currently marketed antipsychotics, this market is expected to grow to a high of $20.8 billion in 2011 and then hit a low of $14.4 billion in 2013, before resuming growth again to $14.8 billion in worldwide sales for 2014.

Seriously great article: “New Psychiatry Manual Defines Almost Anyone as Insane”

What is wrong with a psychiatric industry that is financed by drug companies? Well isn’t that very obvious: they will try and try to classify more and more mental conditions as ‘diseases’ simply because their financers want them to do so. Nowadays children can’t behave like children anymore or they are ‘hyperactive’ or diagnosed as ‘ADHD’ and pumped full of drugs of which no one knows what the long term consequences of their use are.