Exposing Psychiatry’s Billing Bible “Inside the DSM The Drug Barons’ Campaign to Make Us All Crazy”

Implicit to the drug companies’ messianic promises of health, happiness and economic productivity is a spurious parable of linear scientific progress: in spite of consistently inconclusive clinical trials, new psychotropic drugs are regularly marketed as improvements on old ones, ever more specific in their targeting of neurotransmitters, ever less productive of pernicious side effects.

“Antidepressant Romance Fuels Premedicated Murder” by Shane Ellison, Masters Degree in Organic Chemistry

With no such thing as a chemical imbalance or “depression inducing genes,” psychiatry did what any organization would do in the face of impending demise: Get the U.S Government to do their dirty work.

Today, an insidious collusion between Big Pharma and Big Government is doling out drugs paid for by our tax dollars to foster children, to our U.S. Troops, and to the elderly at breakneck speeds. With so many being drugged, a harsh reality is emerging: Antidepressant romance fuels “premedicated murder.”

Orwellian Healthcare Plan to Usher in New Police State in America

The bill essentially provides for unlimited mental health benefits. As there is no objective or medical test for psychiatric disorders, this is a virtual blank check to the mental health industry. It’s a bill so psychiatry can bill. These bills have George Orwell 1984 written all over them. There are enough made up syndromes and disorders to put all Americans on a drug, or an invoice. There is no wonder why Americans are angry over this proposal.

FDA misleads again: Admits SSRI/suicide link for 25 & under but not adults

The FDA analysis by Dr. Marc Stone, Dr. Thomas Laughren and colleagues involved a review of data from eight drug makers on 372 clinical trials involving nearly 100,000 adults.

Overall, they found the risk of suicide was “strongly age-dependent,” with higher risks in people under 25, no difference among those 25 to 64, and lower risks in people 65 and older.