Flying Under the Influence: Commercial Airline Pilots & Mind-Altering Drugs
The Germanwings co-pilot is not the only commercial pilot reportedly under the influence of mind-altering psychiatric drugs to purposefully crash a plane By Kelly Patricia…
The Germanwings co-pilot is not the only commercial pilot reportedly under the influence of mind-altering psychiatric drugs to purposefully crash a plane By Kelly Patricia…
By CCHR International – March 27, 2015 Numerous reports are now surfacing that Germanwings co-pilot Andreas Lubitz who purposefully crashed Flight 9525 into the French…
Although Beijing has always denied charges of psychiatric abuse of dissidents, the National Conference of Ankang Asylums held by the Ministry of Public Security in Wuhan, Hubei Province, on May 26 and 27 has inadvertently admitted these charges.
The American Psychiatric Association is considering including ‘binge eating’ in its diagnostic manual, but to many skeptics, the recognition of binge eating as a psychiatric disorder does nothing but absolve weak-willed people of their responsibility to rein in a dangerous habit. And some suspect that the diagnosis is a sneaky way to sweep an entire nation of over-eaters under psychiatry’s umbrella — and possibly into the marketplace for new drugs.