Tag Archives: pill popping

In America, everyone seems to be taking the wonder-drug Adderall—but what about all those worrying side-effects?

I once went to a barbecue in LA where a group of women in the pool gazebo were swapping recipes – drug recipes. These women were the Nigellas of the prescription drug scene. They knew how to mix their fluoxetine with a nice tasty opioid like hydrocodone. They knew that top-and-tailing their favourite stimulants with a couple of Xanax could produce just the right kind of high. And their recipes had one ingredient in common: Adderall.

Speaking Out Against Prescription Drug Propaganda and Use

It happens every day to people of all ages, but there are certain people who in death shine a spotlight on paradigms of cultural fragmentation and social inconsistency, even though most of us don’t see it at first.

Even while America and the rest of the world celebrate these icons’ lives, these “stars” illume a sad state of the American condition, and in some ways perhaps focus a beam on the collective human suffering. These public figures ante up the unnecessary ultimate price for a peoples that more and more feel alone in a crowd and are turning to Big Pharma to sate our appetites for some kind of reprieve from our psychic suffering. We are looking for that missing mirror of wholeness, and many believe it’s in a bottle.

On the outset, let me say I am not against all prescription drugs. Just most psychotropic medicines. I am passionately against the mass epidemic promotion and consumption of drugs in a world that cannot seem to produce unbiased numbers that substantiate efficacy in the realm of pill popping bliss.

Pill popping: “The misconception is that prescription drugs aren’t dangerous because a doctor gives them out”

According to the National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA)’s survey the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, in 2008 15.2 million Americans age 12 and older had taken a prescription pain reliever, tranquilizer, stimulant, or sedative for nonmedical purposes at least once in the year. Addiction to and the abuse of prescription drugs, also known as “pill popping,” has become a national trend.