Tag Archives: Pfizer

Lawsuit alleges Pfizer used bogus research to get approval for its blockbuster antipsychotic drug Geodon

The lawsuit, filed by Dr. Stefan Kruszewski of Harrisburg, Pa., alleges that three of the researchers who helped conduct Geodon clinical trials – Dr. Richard Borison, Dr. Bruce Diamond and Dr. Louis Fabre – have been sanctioned by regulatory authorities. Borison and Diamond were debarred by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and received prison time, according to the suit, and Fabre earned sanctions in Texas for research misconduct.

CounterPunch: What Integrity Means to Pfizer

Pfizer’s $2.3 billion health care fraud settlement with the government announced this month by the US Department of Justice adds some firsts to the world’s biggest pharmaceutical company. It covers Pfizer’s kickbacks to health care providers and false claims submitted to government health care programs, also known as our tax dollars, in violation of the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act. Forty-three states will share in the “give backs.”

Public Citizen’s Dr. Sidney Wolfe calls off-label marketing of Zyprexa part of well-organized crime in the US

“The US pharmaceutical industry, long one of the most profitable in the country with profits last year of close to $50 billion, has engaged in an unprecedented amount of criminal activity in the past decade, all aimed at increasing sales, often by illegally promoting drugs for diseases for which evidence that benefits outweigh harm is lacking – also known as illegal off-label promotion,” says Dr Wolfe.