Tag Archives: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual

Parent Alienation-Another bogus mental disorder: Child is “mentally ill” if one parent has “alienated” him from the other

The phenomenon has been described for many decades, but it became a cause célèbre in 1985, when Richard Gardner, a clinical professor of psychiatry at Columbia University, coined the term “parental alienation syndrome.” The American Psychological Association has issued a statement that “there is no evidence within the psychological literature of a diagnosable parental alienation syndrome.”

Exposing Psychiatry’s Billing Bible “Inside the DSM The Drug Barons’ Campaign to Make Us All Crazy”

Implicit to the drug companies’ messianic promises of health, happiness and economic productivity is a spurious parable of linear scientific progress: in spite of consistently inconclusive clinical trials, new psychotropic drugs are regularly marketed as improvements on old ones, ever more specific in their targeting of neurotransmitters, ever less productive of pernicious side effects.