Tag Archives: big pharma

FDA approved Big Pharma drugs without effectiveness data

Consumers constantly are told how complicated it is to get a new drug on the market. After all, researchers have to jump through all sorts of hoops to assure safety before new therapies are approved for the public, right? It turns out they may be missing some of those hoops or not jumping through some of the most important ones.

In fact, huge red flags are being raised about how drugs are tested and approved in two new studies, including one just published in the May 4th issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).

A case in point: it turns out that only about half of the new prescription medications pushed onto the market over the last decade had the proper data together for the U.S. Food and Drug Administration – yet the FDA approved them anyhow.

American Psychiatric Association Slammed by Disease Mongering Parody Featuring Instant Disease Generation Engine

The American Psychiatric Association is under fire today by an independent health news site’s launch of the “Disease Mongering Engine” – an online tool that allows users to instantly generate disorders, dysfunctions and syndromes that sound real, but aren’t. Available at www.NewsTarget.com, the Disease Mongering Engine was created by Mike Adams, a vocal critic of modern psychiatric medicine and its practice of labeling healthy people with fictitious diseases, then over-medicating them with patented pharmaceuticals.

“Modern psychiatry has lost its way and has now become a marketing branch of Big Pharma,” Adams said. “Convincing healthy people that they’re diseased, then harming them with unsafe chemical medications, is not a legitimate approach to health and healing.” Diseases ranging from ADHD to Social Anxiety Disorder were “invented” by drug companies and psychiatrists, Adams says, as a way to generate billions of dollars in profits by selling treatment drugs and services to people who don’t need them.

After surviving war in Iraq, U.S. troops now being killed by Big Pharma

They survived live fire, explosive devices, terror attacks and grueling desert conditions. But upon returning home to seek treatment for the mental anguish that too often accompanies war, U.S. soldiers are now being killed by the pharmaceutical industry in record numbers.

A recent example is found with the late Senior Airman Anthony Mena, who returned home from Baghdad only to be killed by a toxic cocktail of prescription medications in his apartment in the USA. As the New York Times reports, a toxicologist found eight prescription medications in his blood

Drug-Company Tweeting: Still Awaiting FDA Rules

Note from CCHR: Let’s see if we’ve got this straight…..last year, Pfizer paid $1.2 billion for illegal off-label promotion -the largest criminal fine in U.S.history. The company also paid $2.3 billion to settle claims that it had marketed numerous drugs for unapproved purposes Other corporate violators included GlaxoSmithKline, Eli Lilly, Schering-Plough, Bristol-Myers Squibb, AstraZeneca, TAP Pharmaceutical, Merck, Serono, Purdue, Allergan, Novartis, Cephalon, Johnson & Johnson, Forest Laboratories, Sanofi-aventis, Bayer, Mylan, Teva and King Pharmaceuticals. Criminal or civil illegalities included (1) overcharging government health programs, (2) unlawful promotion, (3) monopoly practices, (4) kickbacks, (5) concealing study findings, (6) poor manufacturing practices, (7) environmental violations, (8) financial violations and (9) illegal distribution. And after all that, the FDA is going to allow Big Pharma to launch into social media? Seriously?

Psychiatrist Asks, “Why Are People So Divided When It Comes To Children’s Mental Health?” We’ve Got the Answer…

Today’s Huffington Post features an article from psychiatrist Harold Koplewicz, frequently seen in the press leading the cheer for more psychiatric diagnosing and drugging of children. In today’s article, Koplewicz makes a plea to ‘Stop the Stigma’ which is preventing children from being diagnosed mentally ill. Pretty catchy slogan isn’t it? “Stop the Stigma.” It ought to be, it’s a brilliant marketing campaign, brought to you by Big Pharma, via the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), a group that masquerades as a “patient’s rights group for the mentally ill” but receives tens of millions in funding from Pharma.