Three-fold Increase in Mass Shootings in Step with Increased Psychiatric Drugging
By Kelly Patricia O’Meara November 19, 2013 The U.S. Attorney General, Eric Holder, recently announced that the rate of mass shootings in the U.S. is…
By Kelly Patricia O’Meara November 19, 2013 The U.S. Attorney General, Eric Holder, recently announced that the rate of mass shootings in the U.S. is…
Henry Daily Herald – October 24, 2013 By Larry McNorton Dear Editor: How bad can our children be that we have to drug them to…
New Sign of Stimulants’ Toll on Young New York Times, August 8, 2013 by SABRINA TAVERNISE The number of young adults who end up in…
Atlantic Highlands Herald—August 5, 2013 by Woody Zimmerman Recently, substantive reports have been emerging on drugs used to treat Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in children…
A new report from the The Partnership at Drugfree.org found teens in the United States are in the throes of a prescription drug abuse crisis with a new survey showing 24 percent of high school students (5 million kids) are ‘abusing” drugs like Ritalin and Adderall.