Tag Archives: Adderall

The Psycho-Therapeutic School System: Pathologizing Childhood

According to a recent report by the Centers for Disease Control, a staggering 6.4 million American children between the ages of 4 and 17 have been diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), whose key symptoms are inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity—characteristics that most would consider typically childish behavior. High school boys, an age group particularly prone to childish antics and drifting attention spans, are particularly prone to being labeled as ADHD, with one out of every five high school boys diagnosed with the disorder.

WorldNetDaily—Radical Increase in Kids Prescribed Ritalin

More than a decade after a national scandal regarding the over-prescription of Ritalin and similar drugs to millions of American children diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention now reports a far higher rate of diagnosis than a decade ago.

An astounding 19 percent of high school-age boys – ages 14 to 17 – in the U.S. have been diagnosed with ADHD and about 10 percent are taking medication for it. Ten percent of high school-age girls have likewise been diagnosed.

Hooked On Ritalin: The New Drug Habit

When you think of drug rehab, cocaine, heroin, and OxyContin come to mind. But some different drugs are sending an exploding number of kids into treatment. Medications for ADD and ADHD are being passed out, sold, and abused and sadly it’s leading to life–threatening addictions.

Mind-control Engineers Now Drugging Children for “Social Justice”

The rationale is, the drugged kids will now be able to compete with children from wealthier families who attend better schools. Leading the way is Dr. Michael Anderson, a pediatrician in the Atlanta area. Incredibly, Anderson told the New York Times his diagnoses of ADHD are “made up,” “an excuse” to hand out the drugs.

In America, everyone seems to be taking the wonder-drug Adderall—but what about all those worrying side-effects?

I once went to a barbecue in LA where a group of women in the pool gazebo were swapping recipes – drug recipes. These women were the Nigellas of the prescription drug scene. They knew how to mix their fluoxetine with a nice tasty opioid like hydrocodone. They knew that top-and-tailing their favourite stimulants with a couple of Xanax could produce just the right kind of high. And their recipes had one ingredient in common: Adderall.