The Launch of CCHR’s New Fight For Kids Campaign to Protect Children & Inform Parents


The Fight For Kids Campaign—No organization has done more to protect children from psychiatric drugging and mental health abuse than the Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR). As the world’s leading mental health industry watchdog, CCHR’s direct accomplishments include the introduction and passage of state and federal laws, federal regulations enacted to prohibit abusive psychiatric treatments of children, the disclosure of the documented risks of psychiatric drugs and much more.

The Fight For Kids campaign is now expanding—with the soon to be released new website, and online social media platform using innovative technology to create a global movement of advocacy and engagement for the love and protection of our children. This website and online social media platform will give parents the fact and back up they need to raise their children without subjective labels and without the use of dangerous psychiatric drugs.  Because children deserve to be raised label and drug free.

By becoming a Dedicated member of CCHR International, you are directly assisting with the launch of a global movement to save our kids.

Become a Dedicated Member!

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To read about CCHR’s direct accomplishments in the Fight For Kids Campaign, click here.