December 6, 2011 – Note from CCHR: We created the psychiatric drug side effects database due to the misleading studies about psychiatric drug safety and efficacy being put out by the psychiatric/pharmaceutical industry. For facts (instead of pharma funded studies) from international drug regulatory agencies visit the psychiatric drug side effects database – click here

Many of these pharmaceutical studies were sponsored by the drug manufacturers; sponsors who the report states "may promote the use of outcomes that are most likely to indicate favourable results for their products."—New research has revealed just how misleading and questionable the results of medication studies cited in top medical journals actually are — adding to an already sizeable mountain of data on mainstream medical manipulation.
Pharmaceutical and vaccine makers are continually found to be sponsoring the very institution performing the study on the effectiveness of their product.
Such is the case with a recent inquiry that examined the trustworthiness of top drug trials.
Investigators from UCLA and Harvard recently analyzed the randomized drug trials from six prestigious journals, reaching a conclusion that brings into question the overall credibility of many top medication studies and those who perform them.
- Many medication studies published in leading journals have been found to be sponsored by drug manufacturers and include deceptive statistical reporting and wording.
- The flu vaccine is a perfect example of medical manipulation, with research concluding the effectiveness of the shots to be as low as one percent. In addition, the “gold standard” for scientific reviews has repeatedly found that there is little to no evidence backing flu vaccines as an effective flu prevention strategy. Despite this, they are still pushed by mainstream health officials
- The reason why much of the population believes in mainstream medicine can be traced back to the PR campaigns of Edward Bernays, the so-called father of spin. Bernays focused on ‘conditioning’ consumers into believing many mainstream medical fallacies.
The investigative team found that many of these pharmaceutical studies were sponsored by the drug manufacturers; sponsors who the report states “may promote the use of outcomes that are most likely to indicate favourable results for their products.”
In fact many of these studies have been found to utilize different statistical techniques in order to establish the supposed safety of many medications that may actually be harmful to you.
For international drug regulatory warnings on documented side effects/risks of psychiatric drugs click here