October 3, 2009
We have posted about stimulant addiction a few times, and so have a few thousand other sites, but it seems that we are still not talking about it enough. When we try to scour the news, we still find that Adderall addiction is still prevalent in high schools, universities – and even the family kitchen.
A Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools nurse was charged recently with obtaining a controlled substance by fraud or forgery and embezzlement by an employee”. According to a feature by the Charlotte Observer, the 52-year-old nurse was working with a school that serves cognitively disabled students, and was accused of replacing the Adderall prescription of a 19-year-old handicapped student with vitamins. She was supposed to monitor and administer the students’ prescription; the incident led to her nursing license being revoked.
Stimulant addiction can be rather tricky; it is probably due to the fact that as opposed to other illegal substances such as cocaine and heroin, the trigger for taking the drugs outside of its primary medical purpose appears “harmless”.
Read moentire article: http://hometestingblog.testcountry.com/?p=4049